Maryland MVA Curriculum Refresher with Kelly Sisk

This refresher course is approved by the Maryland MVA for Licensed and Certified Instructors whose certification has expired.

Individuals must successfully complete this course as a part of re-certification process.

Course Overview:

This refresher course is designed as an independent or directed study course. The materials are provided in the link below. Students read and review the “Preface” to the Maryland Standardized Curriculum. 

Students then complete an assessment and pass with an 80% or better. (32 out of 40 points)

Upon successful completion a certificate will be issued.


Text your name, email and the name of your driving school to 443-386-3025

A “welcome email” will be sent with how to get started. 

Course Fee:

The fee for refresher training is $25 and is payable via Venmo @Kelly-Sisk or Cashapp $kbs917

Contact Information:

Kelly Sisk

443-386-3025 (text preferred)

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